Real Estate Social Media: We Looked At The Data

Real Estate Social Media: We Looked At The Data


Let’s talk about social media for realtors. With the recent changes in US real estate, a lot of realtors are trying to find innovative ways to do business. Social media is naturally a part of it.

We’ve been digging into some data, and boy, have we found some eye-openers.

It’s not that much about personality…

Real estate is pretty settled in its ways and I for one quite like it. A lot of realtors still don’t even have a website, let alone thinking about online lead generation.

Business is done via relationships, and one effective way to get good relationships in real life is through the combination of warmth and competence.

Data shows that on social media though, leaning too much into this can bring bad engagement.

Do you love cooking and dinner parties? Is artistic creativity a major part of your personal charm? Well, as much as that works in the real world, those posts will be a flop on the internet.

Niches like cooking, painting or photography are strong interests for a lot of people so it seems to make total sense to try to include them to get more attention.

But it turns out that when people look for foodie or art content, they’re not exactly looking for it on a realtor’s profile.

Who knew, right? People will love that one food post, go check your profile, find that you are not planning to be the next Gordon Ramsay and bounce.

Lesson learned: stick to what you know, folks.

… Unless you can do it right

Even so, tangential content is great. It’s just that there are limits to how far you should stray. And here’s where the work gets interesting.

Restaurant recommendations on a realtor’s feed? People eat those up (pun intended). They’re saving these posts like crazy.

Everyone wants the inside scoop on local hotspots and a friendly neighborhood realtor sounds like a decent source. This is good engagement, and still sort of food-related.

You will still sound like you, without tanking your socials.

You should post more listings, though

Last but not least, about those property listings. Just post them, a lot of them. Staged interiors are beautiful, people cannot get enough of them. They’re like catnip for new eyes, bringing in loads of profile visits.

It’s like window shopping without buying, most of the time, but it pays off in the long run.

Bottom line? Be yourself, be helpful, and for Pete’s sake, leave the cooking tutorials to the chefs. Your followers (and your engagement rates) will thank you.

Data for this post was pre-processed by Claude AI from Anthropic.

What do you think? Are you a realtor facing similar social media head-scratchers? Send us a message!

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